Congratulations Jim Davis

At the Grand Session of the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Indiana, Jim Davis of Angola York Rite was elected Right Illustrious Principal Conductor of Work. He is in a progressive line of this State York Rite body.

ALSO, at a recent meeting of the Knights of the York Cross of Honor (KYCH) Jim was installed as the Eminent Prior of Indiana Priory No. 8, located in Ft. Wayne, Indiana

Angola York Rite receiving Frank Williams Trophy

Angola Commandery #45 received the trophy for the largest contribution to the Holy Land Pilgrimage in Indiana for 2021.

The picture was taken at the May 5 Stated meeting of Angola York Rite.

Ashley Lodge #614 EA Degree

Degree work completed

An Entered Apprentice Degree was held for Bob Murphy on April 21, with the help of Bartimaeus Lodge U.D., a special group of Masons who assist in conducting the degree for men who are physically challenged. Ashley and Angola Lodge officers filled in the various stations as the degree was conducted, with the support of other local Masonic Lodges.

There were over 40 attending the event, which filled almost every seat in the Lodge. The Bartimaeus Lodge will return at a date to be determined when the FC degree will be presented.

Ashley has more petitions to be voted in the near future, so there is will be a lot of degree work activity for the next few weeks.

EA degree on May 3

Angola had an EA degree on May 3, following the stated meeting. Below is a picture of those attending: Pictured (front row l to r): Robert Spidel; Bob Vernon III, Junior Steward; Mike Anderson PM; candidate Bryce Turner; Worshipful Master Benton Davis; Ian Mountfield PM, Chaplain; and Charles Chapman. (Back rows l to r): John Dermott; Brant Moore PM, Treasurer; Mason Gipson, Senior Deacon; James Davis, PM; Tim Billows SW; Eric Heidorn; Jay Minick PM, Recorder; David Dobson, Senior Steward; Matt Wignall, Tyler and Alex Dobson, Junior Deacon. Picture taken by Paul Friend.

Pokagon Shrine Club Officers

Pokagon Shrine Club Held Holiday Party

Pokagon Shrine Club Held Holiday Party

Pokagon Shrine Club OfficersInstallation of the 2022 Officers were held in December at the Holiday Party.

Installed as President was Richard Dalrymple (center) and Vice President/Treasurer is Jeff Stanford (left).

Installing officer was Brooks Targgart (right).

John Tchinsky, who was elected as Recorder was not present.

42 attended – one of the largest ever held

Feast of St. John the Evangelist 2021

Feast of St. John the Evangelist had great attendance

The Masonic Lodge in Orland Indiana, Star Lodge #225 hosted the festive Board on Monday, December 27. Forty two Masons from the surrounding area attended from 10 different Masonic Lodges including: Star Lodge #225 (Orland – the host); Angola Lodge #236; Northeastern Lodge #210 (Fremont); Ashley Lodge #614; Forest Lodge #239 (Butler); Concord Lodge #556 (Spencerville); DeKalb Lodge #224 (Auburn); Roanoke Lodge #195; Colon Lodge #225 (Michigan); and Bedford Lodge #207 (Michigan). The attendees assembled at 6:00 PM, with the festive board, or meal starting at 6:30 PM.

Brother LentzThe Festive Board is one of the oldest traditions in Masonry. In the early days of Masonry, Lodges would meet in taverns for a meal and Lodge meeting, and would conclude their festive event with toasts. They would toast to the brotherhood, the officers, the country and the well-being of a successful Lodge.

That tradition continues with a meal and the ceremonial portions of toasts to the future of Masonry. Speaking at the event was Richard Lentz, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Indiana, who is a member of Concord Lodge #225 in Spencerville, Indiana. A fraternal basket of assistance was passed among the brethren to help a local member needing financial needs.

Brother Lentz spoke on the two St. Johns that are part of our Masonic ritual. He also encouraged attendance at the Grand Lodge Founders Day on Saturday, January15, 2022.  It will be held at the Scottish Rite Building located at 650 N. Meridian Street in Indianapolis.

42 attended – one of the largest ever heldWhat a crowd at the Feast! 42 attended – one of the largest ever held. Seated front center is Richard Lentz, (Masonic speaker) Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. In first row standing behind Lentz is Bob Treesh, Past Master of Orland Lodge who presided over the event.

Our thanks go to the several officers and members of Orland Lodge #225 for hosting this annual event and to their ladies who served a great meal. NOTE: In case you desire a copy of the event, look for the news in the December 28 Herald/Republican or it should be in the Auburn Evening Star soon.

Angola Masonic Lodge hosted York Rite degree work

This year Angola York Rite hosted both Saturdays of the Tri-State Festival. The festival started Saturday February 27 and finished on Saturday March 6. Congratulations go to the two new York Rite members from into Angola York Rite: Mason Gipson and Matt Wignall (pictured on the front row – right side).

These are ALL new members taken at Angola Lodge.

Degree work finished for two candidates

Angola Lodge #236 and Forest Lodge (Butler) #239 combined for a Master Mason degree on March 9 at Angola Lodge. This was a joint event with both Lodges furnishing cast members.

Pictured below are the new members – Trent Heidorn front row – third from left with Angola Lodge #236 and Chris Carnahan front row – fourth from right with Forest Lodge #239.